Due Diligence

Detailed Technical Analysis

Technical Due Diligence

Technical Due Diligence

A process of thorough technical, legal, and economic analysis of a property.

Our specialists conduct a comprehensive review, identifying potential risks and providing the information needed to make an informed decision regarding a given building or property. The Technical Due Diligence service is an excellent solution for developers, investors, and companies planning to buy or sell property. Audits and reports provide essential support both during challenging, transitional moments and at critical times for business development.

Objectives of Preparing a TDD Report

Technical Due Diligence

Identifying additional costs and formal issues that the property owner may encounter.

Technical Due Diligence

Conducting an assessment of the property's technical condition, including the completeness and accuracy of documentation.

Technical Due Diligence

Verifying the property's compliance
with applicable regulations.

Technical Due Diligence

Defining the technical framework within which the owner will be required to operate in the subsequent stages of the construction project.

Take advantage of services
from experienced experts!