Wspólny język!
PM Services Poland is a partner of initiatives carried out by the organization Wspólny Język!
A group of young, ambitious girls is striving to draw attention to an often-overlooked but growing issue: the loneliness of the elderly. Through initiatives such as visiting seniors in care homes and spending time with them, they aim to alleviate the painful feelings of loneliness and being forgotten.
The main idea behind their efforts is to showcase a very important truth—regardless of age, building intergenerational relationships is easy; as the saying goes, “where there’s a will, there’s a way!”
In our activities, we always prioritize social aspects. The fact that such young individuals are undertaking social initiatives like this fills us with immense positivity. That’s why we, as a company, decided to support this team in their efforts.
Wspólny Język – What you do is both educational and incredibly beautiful. We wish you success in your future endeavors!